so, life...yeah. a lot better, but i'll mention that later. i guess i'll blog my weekend out.
Friday was a normal crappy day at school, except a little less crappy because it was an odd day and we just watched a movie in Japanese, watched people play in band, Algebra was still crappy, and i just made fun of Ms. Beard the whole time in History, like usual. After school i went to work from 3 to 6 which was pretty crappy because there was nothing good to do, and when there's nothing good do to do, they have me sweep and stuff like that. lame. i got home from work and i called Mike so i picked him up and on the way to my house we saw Derek so we picked him up. we went to Day's which led to some stalking, but you can just ask me about that, then went to my house to watch Vieuphoria (which is amazing). Derek left after it was over and we headed over to the (black light) Stomp, which was pretty fun, both Corey and Lauren won in the elections! yes! i love being able to vote, something i wouldn't be able to do even if i was 18. Afterwards, i took Mike to visit his meth with Randi and me tagging along and we just kind of sat there until midnight 30 or so. haha. it's funny when people are sleepy.
Saturday i had to wake up early (10 haha) so i could go with my dad to a meeting about our trailer park. well as it turns out, the owner has already sold the property, so big box store or not, we have 3 months to move out, either leaving our trailer here, selling it, or taking it with us. the latter two being very unlikely. so we're on the search for somewhere to live, preferably within the valley, but maybe that wont even happen, which would lead us to move to Orem most likely. crappy, right? yeah, i'm not very excited either. after the stupid meeting (in which a guy ended up getting pissed, standing up, yelling some, flipping the guy off, and telling him to go fuck himself) we headed to Salt Lake to eat lunch with my family at a Mexican buffet to celebrate Sebastian (my nephew) being baptized into the church. it was way good. Karevi was there and brought her friend, Sarah, along and while we were there, i ended up getting told by Sarah that i reminded of Britta haha. i thought that was kind of interesting. We headed home after lunch and when i got home i saw that Mike had called me, so i called him back and he told me to go to Brady's. I got there and found Morgon and Jeb trying to run away, so i saved them and took Morgan home and we went to Erin's to watch Eragon. I took Jeb home cause she had to eat dinner and i called Kristen after that and she agreed to come with us to see TMNT, which was pretty amazing. we picked her up and headed over to the movie, and there was pretty much a Heber kids section, because a bunch of people from Heber showed up. that was pretty much Saturday, i just ended up going home when everyone else went and did something fun.
Sunday......you can just ask about that, but let's just say, one of the best days ever. haha.
P.S. i'm only at 44 posts. haha. dang, i'm a slacker
woo berto! woo! with an exclamation for sunday... haha... and turtles was pretty rad also.. i must say... and pretty sure i'm not a drug... okay.. maybe.. haha... we must hang out this weekend ... goodbye..
i know this is short.. too bad.. i am tired...
berto. good news! this blog was definitely comment worthy! haha
i'm happy for you! your weekend sounded pretty amazing. lol. and yay for new and exciting things!
mucho love! :)
Yay for happiness. I heart Besto.
yay for the
hehe. happy berto... i wonder why
Your Randalynn
yeah, it was a really good weekend. and i thought the heber kids section was pretty funny too! lol. and i kind of feel like the guy who stood up at the meeting. lol, edited of course.
funny, i agree with the guy at the meeting too. i don't want you to leave
o look at that... comments... on your blog... told you so... blog more...
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