I think this Sunday is worth blogging about. so here it goes.
My day started out with getting up at 7:30 go to snowboarding. one of the reasons i wanted to go is because snowboarding always gets my mind of things/lets me think about a lot of things. and i wanted to take pictures haha. I left here at around 8 and got to The Canyons at about 8:30, which is pretty early. I got a good parking spot and went up. i spent a couple hours on the Super Condor/Sun Peak side of the mountain, and the snow was fairly good, which made me want to hit some powder. so i headed over to 9990 and decided i would do some hiking, which i had never done before. the hike was short but surprisingly tiring, so i rested at the top for a little, taking some pictures and stuff (the picture ^^^ is of the gate before you go into the back country) and then crossed over into the uncharted territory..aka, the back country DUN DUN DUN. it was awesome, the powder was like knee deep, but it was kind of melty and i fell a couple times and had a hard time getting up because my hands would sink into the snow.
after the exhausting back country trip i decided it was time to go, so i got home and showered, and went and picked Randi up, cause i said we'd hang out. we drove around for a while and showed her 'the hill' and we went and visited Tyler and got some Day's Deli food. mmmm yummy. after that we went for another drive, this time around Midway, just talking about everything, which was a good thing, because i felt i needed to get a lot of things out to someone. and i'm pretty sure she felt the same, so yeah, good drive for us. our drive took us around Valley Hills and as we were coming down, we saw Erin, Mike, Derek and Britta standing on the Valley Hills sign, so we stopped. Derek came to the window and i totally agree with him that you implied getting food with him guys. gosh. so we took Derek to Wendy's and he bought himself some food and bought me and Randi frosties. While we were there, we decided to go to Derek's and play some drums (well that's why i wanted to go anyways haha) then we got tired of me playing drums, so we took all of Derek's change that he found and went and bought stuff in Smith's.
one thing i've realized is that whenever you don't want to remember something/someone, little things that remind you of them always come up. blah.
No Love, (a little more clear Hannah?)
i'm going to let you in on a little personal secret, which i seem to be doing a lot of on people's blogs. The best stress reliever i've ever found is this: get a jar, and find somewhere to smash it. The longer the throw, the better. The sound is amazing.
yes, that is a little more clear. Jennifer is right. just get a jar and smash it on something hard. the "clink, clink clink" of the glass on the groud, is totally gratifying, and for some reason makes everything bad seem a little less bad. besto, i freaking love you, and i will forever and ever.
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