i feel like crap. seriously. i'm kind of sick of this place, and mostly everyone here. it's really nothing that personal, i just really don't like how life is going right now and i kind of need to vent. i really would not rather say anything else, because apparently my feelings are hurtful. so i'll just shush. that's it.
P.S. if you guys want me to blog, i expect comments, otherwise there's no motivation.
dear berto.
In order to have left a really amazing comment, i'd have to read a blog that said something other than you can't say anything. haha. just kidding. so yes, perhaps things suck sometimes. but just think about all the good things... like how summer is only 2 months away. and how you are going to that dragonforce concert. and how amazing i am. ha. jk.
okay. i have to go to provo and work now. woot.
mucho love and more.
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