I've been really full of thought lately. Not really of anything specific, just many many things at once.
Although I'm pretty comfortable with who I am, I'm still trying to figure out some other things about me. It's hard, mostly because you have to find a balance (according to me, anyway).
Today I spent the day entirely by myself. I went to school and came home to sit on the computer for endless hours. That's because I wanted to, of course. It's amazing what kind of things you can learn if you just search. That is one of my favorite things, learning copious amounts of meaningless information. haha.
People have done some amazing things. It's hard for me to imagine where they even start to get ideas of that magnitude. I know I'm being vague, but that's because I want you to find something for yourself. Find something worthwhile.
I also managed to write my own obituary (for Social Psychology) and do some research on Dolly the sheep for Biology. That along with my computer time and paying my phone bill is all I did today. haha.
I still feel pretty lonely, but happy. I did spend the day alone because I wanted to, but it wasn't a challenge at all, haha. There are several people that intrigue me and I would like to get to know them better, but it's still weird moving to the "meeting people" stage after having been in the comfort of a group for so long. Especially considering I'm somewhat of a shy person by nature.
Also, the title of this blog is great. It never made sense until just now.
Yeah, meeting people... I still spend most of my time with the same people as before, just less of them. And the ones I do meet I wouldn't really have met without the people I already know and love. I don't know if I could meet people by myself.
Yeah, it would be nice to have people here to help me meet people. haha. But I don't mind it. It's a challenge and I'm taking it head on.
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