The 25 random facts about me blog.
1. Every time I put on a shoe, I make up an excuse in my mind for why I put on that shoe instead of the other one (like "this shoe was closer!").
2. I hate my nose being stuffy.
3. I'm kind of leaning toward getting a tattoo cause I think it'd be awesome.
4. I expect too much.
5. Sometimes I would rather play guitar in a band.
6. I'm what one would call tech-savvy, but I usually have horrible luck with technology.
7. My family very very very very very rarely eats together at the table.
8. My parents don't know me at all.
9. I always feel better at drums when I'm playing on someone else's set.
10. I don't shower every day.
11. One reason for growing out my hair was that it was something to hide behind. Yes, I was an emo kid.
12. I used to hate screaming music. I came to like it when I started playing guitar and seeing the amazing technical side of metal.
13. I constantly daydream of meeting famous people and hanging out with them.
14. I talk to myself (not like conversations though).
15. I hate close-minded people more than anything.
16. I've only kissed 3 girls all of whom I've actually liked and had a relationship with.
17. 17 is my favorite number. When they would lend you books in elementary and assign you numbers, I always got 17. Since then, it's become more and more significant in my life.
18. I refuse to get a Facebook. And does anyone else think that's the dumbest name for a website? I just call it Facespace. Or Mybook. (I do have a myspace though..)
19. I dislike religion a lot.
20. I've gotten a game system for Christmas/Birthday 6 times.
21. I've attended around 30 (touring band) concerts. If you add the local shows to that, it's probably around 40 or more.
22. I had a crush on pretty much every girl in the group at some point. And basically any other girl I might have been good friends with. ha.
23. I kind of wish I would've kept skating.
24. I have not the slightest idea what I'm gonna do after I graduate. But I love that idea.
25. I think I've done a pretty good job of bettering my attitude about life. I also think that because of it I constantly give people the impression that I feel like I'm better than them. I really don't.
Well, there you have it, 25 things about me off the top of my head.
I'm nearing 100 blogs...woo! haha. Jebby was there like 2 years ago.
Oh, and I'm having a really hard time finding a Valentine, or just something to do on Singles Awareness Day. Least favorite holiday, by far. I mean, it has been in the past just cause of the loneliness it causes, but when I try to do something about it, it's almost as bad. Bah.
P.S. I showed this to Jebby and other people a couple of years ago (literally). It's great.
oh. my. gosh. 17 is my most absolute favorite number of all time. 17 was the only birthday i didn't feel kind of sad, and i was miserable for 18.
Haha, Morgan, you're funny :)
Same here though. I thought 17 was a great birthday, but turning 18 just felt crappy.
I'm in the 17 club too its been my favorite number since old soccer days...weird...
ps i want to sing for a band and you want to guitar... i sense some ridiculous jamming, eh?
hahaha....the shoe thing really made me laugh. and john butler...oh I love it.
I like the shoe thing... It reminds me of my weird symmetry problem.. Like when I'm typing and one hand has to hit more keys than the other, I'll start typing in weird ways so they both hit the same number of keys.... :D
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