As some of you may, or may not, have heard, I'm giving up fast food for lent. Yeah. Berto's not eating fast food for like six weeks. It's gonna be a challenge, but I'm up for it. One reason I'm mentioning it here is to set the parameters for my challenge. So here they are.
1. Wendy's, McDonald's, Burger King, Panda Express, Arby's, Taco Bell, KFC, Taco Time, Subway, Carl's Jr., Sonic or any other chain restaurant is/are out.
2. Counts as fast food if a) I pay for my food before I eat it and b) I get my food right there from the counter. This will make it so I can still eat from restaurants like Tony's Tacos, Los Hermanos, and Fuddruckers (which I think is fair).
3. For the sake of my survival, I'm leaving pizza places in. Besides, they're not fast. The only except to this rule is Little Caesars cause they have pizzas ready at all times, so it is out.
4. I can still buy and consume items from a fast food restaurant that I can get somewhere else like soda, chips, etc.
5. Cafe Rio and other such restaurants are also out.
6. Does not apply to drink places such as Starbucks and Jamba Juice.
7. Buffets are in.
Okay. I think that may be it for now. Wish me luck. I'll keep everyone updated through this blog.
On that thought, I think everyone should try something to give up for lent. It's not a religious thing for me, seeing as I'm hardly Catholic, so you guys should give it a try. Test your limits! It'll be fun :)
P.S. "Why can't a heterosexual guy tell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his booty is fly?"