So I don't know if any of you remember, but since sometime last year, I've been making the titles of my blogs names of songs. So far, Underoath songs are dominating; they're always really interesting, and don't come from lyrics in the song. It makes me think of what they were thinking about when they came up with the title. Interesting, no?
Anyway, it is November and winter is biting at our ankles
I am SO excited.
Except for not being able to buy a pass to The Canyons because I don't have enough money for one.
But that does not mean that I will not be snowboarding this winter, I will definitely find a way (and probably go a couple of days to The Canyons as well, for those of you who want me to come).
Since I'm at Lee Music all the time, either filling in for Krystal or just hanging out, I'm playing drums on many songs in the Winter concert. It's on December 5th at the Old Senior Citizen Center so you all are more than welcome to come.
I guess I really have no more to say on the matter of my life at the moment. Be happy everyone, it's not hard.
hello berto :) you're getting so great at drums
I am? haha.
yep the best ever
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