Oh good ol' Taking Back Sunday. I used to love the immensely, but back then, their lyrics barely meant anything to me. I almost don't like that I get this particular song a lot more now.
On that note, I've been really detached and distant from everything and everyone. That's why I haven't blogged in a while (considering how often I was blogging before). During this little funk I've been in, I've also been trying to pinpoint what's causing it. I think I know. It's not just one thing, though, that's for sure.
The best word for my mood right now might be somber.
To provide some balance, this was definitely one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. Mucho spending time with friends and live music. It can't get much better :) And also, why do people I visit always have cool/cute friends that I don't get to hang out with (on a regular basis)? haha.
Hahaha, who is our cool/cute friend?? Katherine? that's the only person I think hung out with us quite a bit.
Well, she's the only friend of yours that I met, so that should answer your question :)
I only hear from you when I get out of the carwash and see you at the end of the street and take you to Britta's.
I know I'm always busy... but even a nice text saying hi is always appreciated.
I love Beto.
Randi Lynn
haha. remember when you tried to teach me drums, but we pretty much gave up/just laughed instead when we found out that you couldn't hit the snare drum without me blinking? ha. good thing it only works in real life, and not over youtube videos. haha.
p.s. the "word verification" word that i'm always forced to do when i leave a comment on your blog is "foriony" today. i thought it looked somewhat like a real word. haha.
Haha that XKCD reminds me of all the time wasted in Zabels class
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