It's been a while since my last blog.
Since then, I've found that I really like working with kids. It's kind of strange (to me), but I enjoy myself a lot. I've been doing a lot of things in regards to that.
A couple of weeks ago I attended the Mountain View Fellowship (which incidentally is in Heber, on your way to Park City) church and helped out with the kids' service there by playing drums. It's really exciting to be playing music and seeing the kids get way into it. After we're done with all the music, we help the kids do some sort of activity which is usually pretty fun.
At this church (it's actually in a huge house), I met a lady whose two kids really wanted to play drums and guitar, respectively. So I made a deal with her that I would teach them. And that was the whole deal :) They came over yesterday night and they learned the basics of each. The little drummer kid is 8 and the guitar-er is 10 or so. Drummers are cooler :p They'll be coming over every Tuesday for a lesson.
And lastly, I decided that I would volunteer at the middle school to help out with all the little niños that don't know how to speak English. I went and talked to Mr. Case and he seemed really excited about me even considering such a thing. I'm still expecting a call back from him, so i'll see how that goes. I might even get payed.
Which would solve the me trying to find a job problem. Yep, I still don't have a job. I know, I know, I'm a slacker. I've applied at...too many places too remember and I've asked around like crazy. I decided that I'm probably gonna seek a job in a place where people like me are more widely accepted (long haired, t-shirt wearers). Park City, most likely, but maybe even Provo. Of course, it'd have to pay really well for me to have to drive to Provo for it.
That's about all life has been as of late.
And everyone, listen to The Arcade Fire. They may remind you of: Modest Mouse, Interpol, Anathallo. They're pretty great. Listen to the title of this blog, which is one of my favorite songs by them.
oh silly Berto, i've been listening to the arcade fire for a couple years! :) and i'm so proud of you for volunteering. it's one of my favorite things
oh roberto!
i miss you.
way to be a mentor to those little children. i can see you doing great things in that field.. making their days a bit brighter! :D you always make mine!
so the play is almost over... thank heavens..
can we play soon?
aw berto, you are truly great. teach those ninos, teach!
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