In regards to the title, the new Underoath cd is frickin' great.
Well here goes a blog rant, cause I have nothing planned.
What have I been up to lately? Just school basically. I have classes M-T in the morning, so those occupy my time for a portion of the day. Especially English 2010 and History 1700.
I'm keeping up, but I could be doing better. But considering how my grades in high school were, it's quite an improvement.
Lately, I've been reading webcomics a lot. At the moment, I am currently keeping tabs on about 6 of them. Shows how much time I commit to other things besides sitting at the computer.
And I'm also slowly starting to slip back into the habit of playing video games in an addictive manner. And I really don't care about it, I mean, I've done it a lot, it's just that within the last year, I actually had things to do, and now I don't. It's proof, I guess?
I really don't know what to do with myself most of the time, I guess you could say. I usually get really anxious to want to do something and end up just walking/driving aimlessly. I haven't really made friends with anyone at the college at all, so woo for that, and I never get called to to stuff by my current friends. It's no fun.
And yes, I do call them, I don't just sit at home and expect people to call.
Keep in mind, I always sound like I'm complaining, but I'm really not. I'm just merely pointing out/informing you about things in my life.
P.S. After reflecting on the things I said, I sound just like I always have. That's true, but I really don't feel like I used to, which I see as a good thing. Lately (since like last year sometime), I've been really content with life in general, even if Maddy's not here/I don't have friends etc.. I think I've finally just found the joy of simply being able to live. :) It's great. (Kind of goes with the title).
P.P.S. I've been thinking I want to do my own comic cause I'm always walking around or something, and I'm like "Hey that'd be a funny comic" Of course it would be all about my weird observations. But it would be entertaining to try out, I think. What do you kids think, yes no?
the comic sounds like a freakin awesome idea! I'd read it for sure. When you said you get really anxious to do something and end up moving around aimlessly, I was like....ahhh that describes me exactly! I used to do that ALL the time, especially while I was back in Midway. Except there were always people around, but I still felt like I could only wander. Strange...anyway, it's only happened once so far here at the U, which was a little bit unnerving, because I never drive my car around so I ended up walking around the dark campus. Kind of scary. I found a building pretty fast. haha. Wow--possibly the longest comment I've ever left. :)
Much love.
Oh! PS--I bought some super spicy salsa at this little festival thing in Heber, and it makes me think of you. I can only eat about one chip at a time, and it burns a lot, but I feel like I'm making progress in uncharted territories. Uncharted for us white people anyway. Ha! I really should've just emailed this to you...
i like the idea.
and hey. i hung out with you. sorry i dont call... my parents usually find something for me to do...
cause quite honestly... they think its weird that im home doing nothing so much. i have always spent all my time with tyler. haha
oh berto.
you are a silly boy.
i miss you.
i need to talk to you someday...
its just dumb aida...
and i know, you are always telling me not to do it...
sorry i never listen...
maybe this time i will?
call me sometime?
ps. hows maddy?
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