we got the house! yes, the little house that everyone was so happy about weeeeee. i am so so so glad to say that we finally got a place to live. i'm really glad we got that house too, i got rather attached to it with my two visits. our agent called us today and told us that they accepted our offer and we just had to sign some papers then the process of it being ours would be under way. it could take as long as two weeks for us to be able to start moving in, but it's pretty much a sure thing now. for those of you who don't know, the house is just behind Maverick (and it has a loft) which means i'll be a lot closer to a lot of you, but further away to some. well, whenever you get the chance, come see me and i'll show you the house if you haven't already seen it, or if you want to see it again. haha. well that's that.
so...right now i feel that i should be a lot sadder, you should all know why by now, but i'm not really sad at all. it's a good sign really, but it doesn't mean my feelings have changed about anything, i guess i'm just barely accepting things how they are because i know it will never change. it's kind of depressing, but it's how life goes. i just wanna say that i really don't get why people do the things they do. love they call it, but i'm still trying to figure out what it all means...why does it make us do things in such a hurried manner? most people never even end up thinking about what they're doing, as i've already experience myself. the human brain is a strange thing, but the heart is even more so.
that's probably the best i've been able to get my feelings into words. holy crap, go Berto.
Love(haha...just when i got done talking about it),
holy deep thinking batman!
so yeah i really really need to see your new house!!!!
love ty ty
(im doing this anonymously because im too lazy to actually sign in.... hahaha thats sad)
dear berto.
lol. love does make people do funny things. and i don't think anybody will understand. but i do feel for you. and i'm sorry people... do lame things. :) but i love you more than life. i need to see your new house! haha. i'm excited that it has a loft. thats pretty sweet. no lie. lol.
okay. i better go.
Mucho Love (whatever it may be)
I'm proud of us being so amazing and I'm mucho happy that I have you to talk about this all with. You're an amazing friend. Thanks for being there for me. :)
Britta Marie
wow...what a good paragraph. because i'm always thinking those exact thoughts. i think we could all use to Ultimate Dictionary of All Things, which would, of course define undefinable things like love for us. and your house....ahhhh YOUR HOUSE! i am very excited about this...ah. That's about all i can say about that. Much "deep feeling of attachment" (lol),
haha..i thought it was a rather good paragraph too Jeb. i'm proud of myself.
Ah i would have been the second comment if my computer wasnt gay... anyways! im so excited that your getting the house! no lie! im so glad that i got to come with you and your family to look at houses... i dunno why... but it made me quite happy. :D haha 'you can jump the fence and get beer' hahaha oh and 'we can play house' hahaha basically... i ♥ u
♥ randalynn
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