It's August already. It came quickly, I must say.
I haven't really done anything special lately. This past week I was incredibly busy with school seeing as it was the last week of the semester. I'm pretty sure I did well in both English and Psychology. I had to do a presentation on depression in Psychology and I got 98%. After that, we took the final and I felt pretty good about it, so I think my grade turned out well. Though I don't know for sure.
The last time the teacher told me, I had an A- in English and I turned all 3 papers she had us do for the last week in. It should be somewhere around there. So I know I'm good there.
Woohoo for me doing well in school for a change. haha.
What I'm not excited for is taking 13 credits of generals next semester. That's gonna be horrible. I will have little to no social life, but I guess that won't be that different from now.
So now I have 2 weeks of school-free summer. woo! What I need to occupy myself with in the meantime is finding a job. I quit the Claim Jumper some time ago, so yeah, I've been jobless for like 2 weeks? I'm having a really hard time motivating myself to find a new one, for some odd reason (:/).
My sister was here from Mexico for the last week and she just left this morning. I feel kind of bad because I was so busy with school I couldn't hang out much with them. I'm sure she wanted to see me more. Anyway, now that she's gone, my aunt's family from Vegas is coming later today and staying for a week or so. After that? My other sister is coming. Yeah, it's fun having family over sometimes, but that could be a little much. We'll see though.
Hopefully I get to see all those who are leaving before it happens. The way things have been going though, that will be a hard thing to do. Oh, and Madeline will be gone next week, and since I'm with her all the time, I won't have anything to do. Call to hang out.
I choose the LAN party
ha ha i agree with michael.
so i think we need to watch some more superb "will it blend?" episodes. for shizzle. haha anyways!
yeah, so the world is SO dumb. i am already sick of money... and i am not even an adult yet. can't we go back to trading goods and services? not sexual ones. but like a bear for a cottage? ha ha i dunno! just thought i would comment back on your comment. hello berto.
...my family and i moved away from the rest of our family...
it's been nice. but an hour drive is still too close. i want to be away.
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