Britta is glaring at me right now for me to blog, so i think i'd better if i want to live. haha. So i have been kind of missing from the blog...wait no, make that the internet world, for the last while because my internet hasn't been working at my new house and i've been living there for like two weeks now. You would think that i would have died by now because of the lack of internet, but i've actually been fine without it. I pretty much stopped using MSN completely for a while beforehand, and that's basically all i did on the internet anyways. I have been missing out on a lot of music news though and i haven't been able to get tabs, but that's about all i miss.
I don't even know where to start with everything that's happened since the last time i blogged, band tour happened, school got over, summer started, and a lot of other things that maybe would go better unmentioned. I'm not exactly sure how i feel about life at this point, but i'm definitely going through a lot of change. Hannah wrote in her blog about growing up and that made me start to think a lot...a year from now i'm not even gonna be in high school anymore. That's kind of a scary thought. lame.
So our new house is pretty sweet, as most of you have seen. it's a nice change from living in a trailer.
and Microsoft should pay me for helping them advertise the Zune lol.
Wednesday Mike and I shall be holding a Star Wars marathon starting at 8 a.m. so whoever wants to come is certainly welcome to. No one is gonna expect you to stay for the whole thing, i doubt anyone besides Mike and me will be able to do that.
Now Britta is hassling me to get done with the blog, so here you FREAKING GO BRITTA.
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3 years ago
good job britta. hahah. yay for you blogging. it makes life better when blogging but you have a good excuse with the internet trouble and all. i love you.
good freaking job, berto. lol. dang, i would've come to your star wars marathon this morning if i had been aware, and now i have to go to work. dang. that's okay. i hope it's a magical time for all involved.
yay! a blog! huzzah! oh man. you are so right. the growing up thing... lame... but at the same time... exciting and fantastic.... and you are so right, microsoft should pay you for adverising the Zune. ha. and I was there for like 1/3 of the star wars marathon today. it was fun. lol. and i was just reminded of robot chicken. how hilarious.
mucho love and such.
Hannah :)
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