Frustration (hannah knows what i'm saying). This blog wont be as long as the others have been, because it's pretty much out of pure boredom, also, it will be extremely random, and jump around a lot cause i'll just put down thoughts that are in my head.....
so i went and got yet another Dan Brown book (yes, even if he's an idiot, Jeb) because i really like his books, so i'll be reading Angels and Demons at school and Digital Fortress at home and it'll be great. haha. i haven't been into books this much since Harry Potter.
i think we're having a guitar club meeting this wednesday, and it'll be great because i wasn't even planning on it ha.
so my grandpa died today, from my dad's side (cause my other one was already dead) and it was extremely sad. even though i didn't know him all that well cause i hadn't seen him since i was 6, it was sad that i wouldn't ever get to see him or talk to him again, one of the worst parts was my dad, he was gonna leave to Mexico, but thought better of it and decided to stay. so for the next couple of days i'm gonna need to come home and stay here for at least a while for my dad.
hmm other thoughts.....aaaahhhhhhhh (once again, hannah knows) i don't know what to do lol. but we'll see how THAT goes. psht.
i bought Halo for my PC yesterday and when i went to play it, it turns out i need a better video card so it looked like crap when i played. but that's ok cause at least i can play halo now, stupid xbox....
ah yes, The Strokes, went to their concert on friday, it was amazingly good. this one band opened for them called Hello Amsterdam and i thought they were pretty good, considering they were a local band. then we waited around forever (this was In The Venue btw) and they finally came on....holy ****, it was the best show ever. seriously. played sooo many songs and all perfectly, took requests from the crowd, did an encore and played a Velvet Underground cover (forgot which song lol) which was pretty good. haha and at one point between the songs, some dude yelled "julian i love you!" to the lead singer and he was like "i love you too, but in a manly way" haha it was great. so jumping around singing like every word was really fun, but extremely tiring. i didn't have anything to drink until after the concert when we went to 7 eleven and i got a 64 oz. thing of Iced Tea and drank it all in like 10 minutes (no joke) and was still thirsty. i also got a shirt, which i wore today to school, and my ears are still slightly rining (it's monday and the show was on Friday night). haha so this was longer than i would have planned....but that's good, right?
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3 years ago
see.....that was fantastic and interesting! and why do i feel like i know nothing about you???
love Jeb
that comment meaning, how did i not know about any of this? Not, i read it and still don't know anything. not that.
Lol. again, Jeb
I am sorry about your grandpa. That's no fun. But I am happy that you got to go to The Strokes and have a grand old time.
Love, Britta Marie
Dearest Besuto....
yes. haha. i do know what you mean by those random comments. and i'm probably the only one. but thats okay. because.... just cuz it is. so basically, I'm a little jealous of the concert. I dont' even listen to the strokes. haha. But oh boy, i love concerts. a whole bunch.
and i almost made you choke on food tonight and die. haha. surprise. its almost like i'm trying to kill you, cuz it happens so often.... but i'm not. haha.
this comment makes no sense. haha. but its super long. :) and amazing. if i do say so myself. lol.
mucho love.
well, myspace says you are "online" but it also hates me and refuses to let me view profiles, so I cannot comment you or anything. and also, you are not on messenger, so i have no means of communicating with you. besides this comment on your blog, which you probably won't read for like a week. i love technology
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