i am very confused right now about my feelings toward certain people. although people think that i will owe them ice cream, i seriously don't get why they thought that in the first place, or why so many people agree. i have my own reasons for believing that no one will get any ice cream and i think i will be right. i try to be optimistic about this whole situation but i can't. certain people just give off like vibes i guess that tell me this and i know it. certain people don't like me and i don't see how people think she does...i mean certain people do..ha. i guess only time will tell although if nothing happens i think i should get something too jeez it's like a one sided bet..
i need you so much closer........random good song
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3 years ago
number one, "i need you so much closer", good song. i love death cab.
number dos: i already explained to you what i think MAY be going on with this person.
number san: i think you will owe me ice cream. maybe not SOON, but eventually, you will.
numero un: That is officially the best song of the week.
numero deux: I think being confused is part of the...whole thing.
numero trois: I would like Ben and Jerry's half baked. Or else a box of otter pops. I'd prefer the otter pops.
Much love, Jeb
Dear Baesto,
Please blog soon. I'm getting very bored sitting at home with nothing to do. I need a new blog to read. haha.
Much Love,
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