Well. Just so everyone's aware, I shan't be going to San Diego anymore, due to immigration issues. Ask for an explanation if you must.
On the bright side of that, I won't be missing any of my college classes, that I'm excited for. One of them is Psychology and I'm looking forward to it a lot. It's always interested me a lot and this could determine if I want to do it for a living or not. We'll see how that goes. Side note: Amazon.com is your friend for college books. I got two for 20 dollars, shipping included. Yeah, upcoming college kids, Amazon is good for you and your wallet.
Another high note is me being here for Warped Tour. Woo! That'll bring my Warped Tour streak up to 4 years in a row. Woo again! I'll be driving down in my Jeep, so if anyone wants to go, give me a call or text or comment or something, and I'll make a place for you in my car. Although, like always, no one's gonna go.
So all in all, I really don't mind that I'm not going to San Diego that much.
Today is my 3rd year blog anniversary! Everyone should celebrate by going back and seeing what a silly kid Berto was! and how dang emo I was too. haha. Man, I was(am) a silly teenager. Funny thing is, my very first post was about missing Maddy, and I could probably do the same now. ha.
It's weird how things turn out, isn't it? There's no way I thought I'd ever have a chance with her, but here we are...
That's all for now.
1 comment:
Happy Anniversary my psychological friend! How strange it is how much life changes, isn't it?
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