Blog, go!
So here I am sitting at 1:22 a.m. on a fine Wednesday morning typing a blog! woo!
It's been almost 3 weeks since I graduated. I'm still not used to it at all, I always think, "oh, I'll be back in high school soon.." when I really won't be. None of it seems like I'm really done with it, that'll probably change once I'm in college, I guess. Which, for me, will be next week!
I decided/my sister told me to start college this summer with a couple of classes so I can get a move on with my education, seeing as my situation could change in a matter of days, depending. If I keep going at this rate, I'll probably have my Bachelor's in about 3 years or so...that's no breaks, though, but I think I could handle it. For the most part, I'm a pretty tolerant person, even when it comes to things like school. And actually, I'm really excited for college, despite me staying here for it. I have a feeling I'll do a lot better than in high school. A fresh start :).
Life has been good since graduation. Like I said before, I really don't feel any different, or like I'm part of "real life" yet, but I will soon. I haven't been up to much, except helping my dad out with stuff around the house and hanging out with people. The only complaint that I really have about life is the lack of seeing people! I haven't seen some people since graduation, and it's sad, really. They're people I should have seen by now, according to me. But yeah, I'll get over it, when I see them. I also miss all my friends that are in Europe. Hm.
I've been to a couple of concerts and played lots of drums, which has been going well. I almost feel like I'm stuck at the same skill level with drums though, I haven't really learned anything new lately...but something will come with time, if I keep at it.
The band (of the Postcards variety) is doing well. We've been trying to get our stuff in digital form so people can listen to it and take us at least a little more serious, but it's been hard. This past weekend though, we got the best recordings we've gotten thus far. We're gonna re-do them better this weekend, it'll be good. Note: It sucks when people aren't responsible about their job aka Tommy deciding he would forget about us and not show up.
In a couple of weeks, I'll be sitting in San Diego. I'm going with Maddy, Jake, and Jessica, which might be a bit weird, sharing a room with them, but I think we'll be fine. We're gonna be there for a week or so and I'm pretty excited. My cousin lives there as well and I'll try to contact him so he can maybe meet up with us and show us cool non-tourist things. Again, excited.
I guess that's about all that's been going on in my life as of late, I will try to blog in a more timely manner. It would be more encouraging if people actually read it though :).
Berto! you rock my face! thanks for commenting me! last night was rad, eh? :)
wow. im excited for you... and kinda jealous. I'm always either sitting home behind this computer, or at work.
Love, Ren
little besto.
i have sent an invite to you're email address. as soon as you accept... you will be an author of the blog family blog. congrats. haha
Love, Ren
dude, egil here, thanks for the comment. 'tis been too long my mexicanheber friend. Sounds like you're doin' great^^ The band thing is really cool, hope ya could like film or tape it so I could hear you once. keep in mind, I play the drums too.. so we shouldda had a session while I was in heber.. but nooooooooo.. coward..:P I'll keep readin' yer page and updating my own. Hope I'll catch ya on the msn one day;)
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