so i got my license on Thursday and got to drive around. i still had to find the place where i would drive to for the first time with my license, so i asked Jennifer about it. well the next day she gave me directions to 'the hill' and told me she left something for me there. i was quite anxious to find out, so right after i got my license i went to 'wash my car' and got it. it was a box full of little things that reminded Jeb of me. awwww, it was the best thing ever, and now i have a cool story about my first time driving with my license haha. so thanks a lot Jeb, i owe you..something cool.
Friday i drove to school and almost couldn't stop at at stop sign because of the snow, almost hitting a car, but thank goodness i didn't. after school Mike, Tyler and i drove to Tyler's house to 'study japanese' and 'fix his printer' neither of which we got accomplished. we got bored and drove to Mike's house to drop off his stuff, but it turns out he couldn't go, so Ty and i went to Subway then headed for enano's to get ready for Kenny's partay. we showed up at Kenny's house and at some point lurpe started braiding my hair and Kenny's dad said something about it not 'being right' haha, i'm pretty sure he thinks we're freaks. we headed downstairs after 'surprising' Jimmy and watched Tyler and Jake do movie scenes with hammers. around 8 ish Mike and i left to pick up Sarah because we had promised her we would hang out with her (lets just say i was kind of anxious to leave). we drove to Smith's and played some tag, then she said she'd buy us frosties, so we went to Wendy's. we sat there and ate our vanilla frosties and talked about stuff, then we decided to go to the lake. we drove down there and just parked and stared at the lake/sky/stars and talked about life and how crazy and complicated it is. just one of those talks, you know? while we sat, Krystal texted Mike and told him that we should go to her house, so we did and hung out with her for a while, until Mike got a call and he realized he had stolen Jeb's keys haha. so we drove back to Kenny's house and gave them back so everyone could go home, and we drove up to 'point' (not following you Jeb). did some more sitting and talking there then i drove everyone home and went home. it was an alright Friday.
Saturday i woke up to Andrea (my little niece) nagging for some cartoons, so i spent most of my morning watching Spongebob and Jimmy Neutron. i showered then picked up Mike to go to the thrift store. he bought a Dave Matthews band shirt and some other german shirt haha. we went to the DK lounge after that and a Ranch burger each. mmm tasty. i had to go home at 2 so we could go eat in orem, but we didn't end up leaving until like freaking 4. i got back home and called people to see what they were doing. no one answered so i just sat around until i got a call from Randi that they were at En's watching a movie. so i went over there and like right when i got there we decided to go to Randi's house haha, so we get there and start watching the Prestige, which was an amazing movie that i really enjoyed(the following statements displays sadness for those who might be confused)...and i might have enjoyed it more if...well, i just wont say anything. the whole time i was just like....wanting to leave, but pretty much the movie kept me there. after a while, i could watch the movie without..thoughts in the back of my head(end of sadness), but i didn't get to finish it cause i had to go home.
Not Love,
P.S. you people should come support us band nerds at our concert on Tuesday. it's at the middle school and it's at 6:30 p.m.
pretty much...thursday, friday, and half of saturday just sucked. and i bet no one will come to the concert cause they are lame like that...
I'm definitely coming to the band concert. I do have to be a Wave Slave that day so I might be late, but I will be there. :)
Not Love? What is that supposed to mean? lol. oh, it was funny when mike accidently took jeb's keys. oopsy.
totally coming to the concert. and i just had a forehead-slapping moment when i realized the implications of....everything. dang. i am so sorry. looks like we're all wearing the same shoes right now. i'm glad you enjoyed your surprise. :)
Jennifer, good job, you got it. everyone else? probably not. and Hannah, i meant Not Love by saying Not Love...duh.
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