I'm in such a weird mood...i mean i'm blogging when i just blogged like a week ago...weird, eh? i guess i don't really have much of a subject, so it'll be quite random.
You know what? i really like Zwan, and I'm rather disappointed that they're not together anymore, BUT Smashing Pumpkins getting back together pretty much makes up for that, even though who knows what they new stuff sounds like. I really hope that i will get to see them live, although I'll probably end up having to travel somewhere for it because almost no one comes to Utah. At least I'll have my license (a week from Thursday!) and i get the Jeep along with that too. yay.
Who knew playing drums could be so hard? oh yeah, i did. haha. i seem to be improving at quite a fast rate but i still don't get how some drummers do it cause they're so dang good. Maybe I'll get there some day with Postcards From Hell, but who knows, maybe I'll just stay this crappy lol.
I just noticed something...I'm the only guy out of the people that we hang out with that has a blog. go me i guess. haha, and yay for our awesome little group of bloggers.
So that's it for today, I'm thinking I'll do more blogs like this instead of cramming it all into a big one haha.
smashing pumpkins are getting back together?! yay :D
Berto! you have two blogs in the same month! lol. I'm SO proud of you. and yes. pumpkins getting back together= <3. And I also love Zwan. They are like a really, really happy version of Pumpkins. and you can't get much better than that. if SP comes to Utah in a concert thouth, we will go together. uso!
Love, Hannah
Yay for Besto Blogs! They light up my life.
haha yay for berto blogging... and yay for randi being here! sweetness
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