Thursday, July 07, 2005

Maybe this is a little exagerrated

girls are soooo confusing. i just give up. i quit. i am like the worst with girls its not funny. its like i have some kind of girl repellant on me. as far as i know the last time someone liked me was in second grade. lol oh yeah and not too recently but that didnt go too well. i think it was a period of ummmm 3 weeks? correct me if im wrong madeline. well yeah just thought you would like to know. but yeah i quit. its too hard and not worth my time. goodbye!



Hannah said...

Haha, you're right you know, we are pretty confusing. And yes I say this even though I am one.

Jennifer said...

No, no, it's true. I don't even understand why I do half the things I do around guys. Scary sounding? Yeah. Lol, anyway, I feel bad, Roberto. Don't give up. Ok.