Monday, May 15, 2006


so i decided i would blog. one of the reasons being that im bored but yeah. life is the same as usual as of late. ooohhh man japanese final coming up..blah i'm so not prerpared for it. we're supposed to know everything we've learned this year, EVERYTHING, which i definitely don't know. i'm so glad that schools almost over. next week should be pretty fun for various reasons 1) i get my freakin cast off (finally) 2) the last week of school! (when do we get our yearbooks?) 3)lots of yummy food at my house the last day of school hopefully and kyle's bonfire and such. baaah i don't know what to write about...well type about........................................................................................................... i'm dang excited for Warped tour, so many good bands will be there and hopefully lurpe, enano, lake and i will go see Children of bodom in Mesa, Az. or some other close place if we can that is, since they're not coming here... :(

Monday, May 01, 2006

ok ok ok here's the real one

ok so jen wants me to blog and if i dont then she'll think i wont love her hahaha....anywho, i broke my arm 4 wheeling.... it was pretty cool. it's weird that i always direct this for other people to read but hannah and jen are the only ones that do lol. there really isn't much to say other than i have pretty much given up on this whole ice cream deal. nothing is happening and my main source of help can't help me anymore. so i quit. you're fired. the end



i broke my arm
